AFOCSC (Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques)
Bishop Representative: Archbishop Damphousse
Catholic Assoc. of Religious & Family Life Educators of Ontario
Bishop Representative: Bishop Lobsinger
Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario
Bishop Representative: Bishop Kasun
Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario
Bishop Representative: Bishop Kasun
Catholic School Chaplains of Ontario
Bishop Representative: Bishop Mathieu
Institute for Catholic Education – Board of Directors
Bishop Representatives: Bishop Miehm
Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education
Bishop Representative: Bishop Yvan Mathieu, S.M.
Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association
Bishop Representative: Bishop Miehm
Ontario Catholic Supervisory – Officers’ Association
Bishop Representative: Bishop Bergie
Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association
Bishop Representative: General Secretary
Office provincial de l’éducation de la foi Catholique de l’Ontario
Bishop Representative: Bishop Tremblay
Diocesan Vocation Directors of Ontario (English)
Bishop Representative: Bishop Camilleri
Diocesan Vocation Directors of Ontario (French)
Bishop Representative: Bishop Tremblay
French Priests
Bishop Representative: Bishop Tremblay
National Federation of Councils of Priests (Central Region)
Bishop Representative: Bishop Camilleri
Ontario Association of Diaconate Leaders
Bishop Representative: Bishop Miehm
Interfaith Social Affairs Reform Coalition
Bishop Representative: General Secretary
Ontario Conference for Christian Unity, Religious Relations with the Jews, and Interfaith Dialogue
Bishop Representative: Bishop Miehm, Bishop Dowd
Apostolate to the Deaf
Bishop Representative: Bishop Bergie
Catholic Health Association of Ontario
Bishop Representatives: Bishop Lobsinger, Bishop Fabbro
Catholic Women’s League
Bishop Representative: Bishop Dowd
Bishop Representative: Bishop McCaig
Knights of Columbus
Bishop Representatives: Bishop Damphousse, Bishop Bayda
Ontario Liturgical Conference
Bishop Representative: Bishop Lobsinger